NASA captured a ghostly face in space

Using a telescope, a group of NASA researchers discovered a scary ghostly face looking straight at them from deep in space.

Actually, this is not a spooky horror story but just two galaxies merging in a system called Arp-Madore 2026-424, 704 million light years away from earth.

The “head” image is the result of gravitational shock waves ejecting matter from two merging galaxies, while the “glowing eyes” are the centers of the galaxies themselves.

“This merger stretched the galaxies’ discs of gas, dust and stars outward, forming a halo with the “face” and “nose” image of the system” – a NASA spokesman explained. prefer.

The “ghost head” is just two galaxies merging in the Arp-Madore system 2026-424. Photo: NASA

This is the phenomenon of facial hallucination, people tend to see “faces” in inanimate objects and in the living environment. This type of hallucination happens to anyone, even to scientists who “name” them. It is often found in scientists’ reports about the vast universe, witnessing “faces” and sometimes even aliens.

However, in this case, astronomers believe that this space ghost will still exist in telescopes for several hundred million more years before disappearing, leaving only a single giant halo of light. of galaxies merging.

However, due to the amount of time it takes for light from galaxies to reach Earth, humans are seeing “ghosts” from 700 million years ago and that formation is most likely no longer possible. there’s more.

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